Hiding The Obvious

In light of the recent events of the election and the revealing of a nation that has in its next generation of leaders an ill nurtured mannerism that has been trained to see themselves as too fragile to handle it. 13 A self-confident and foolish son is the [multiplied] calamity of his father, and the contentions of a wife are like a continual dripping [of water through a chink in the roof]. 14 House and riches are the inheritance from fathers, but a wise, understanding, and prudent wife is from the Lord. Prov 19:13-14 (AMP) There are several things mentioned in these verses, but let’s focus on that self-confident and foolish child, as this is in reference to a child or in this case a son that believes they have no need of any correction or righteous counsel from his parents or anyone.

He like many today is confident in seeing himself comfortable in everything already, and established in the fact that what he has perceived as truth is real even if it’s not And though it makes him foolishly refusing of parental influence he stands. The Hebrew word for foolish here is (kesîl) meaning to be “insolent to religious truths” or what I believe is the word of God. In our living, the life God says we are to live it is not going to be beneficial to our wellbeing if we are going to be ‘stupid” or “dull” to the things that appropriate wise living.

So what does a parent do with such a child? This calamity as it is called here is affecting the life of the father, and will corporately be mimicked by any other siblings of the household if not dealt with correctly. Parents of rebellious or self-induced insulant children often hide the issue from others, and live their life purposely filled with actions that are deceiving of the fact that they have such an offspring, “thus calamity”! As parents attempt to deny or disannul actions or attitudes that manifest from a child’s ill-behavior they advocate an acceptance. And if other siblings are present they will view it as an opportunity to express a similar mannerism. Herein lies an issue that is talked about but not acted upon. It is that too many parents today do not see responsibility as something they are to be accountable for in regards to a child’s natural development.

This issue of being convinced that oneself is too fragile to handle any life situations has occurred due to the influence of progressivism and social discourse of the family structure in destroying any historical family standards. As it becomes more and more irrelevant to who has any rights to the child’s rearing and wellbeing most parents just accept what they are told by society. Some even going to the extent of lying and deceiving themselves regarding the obvious ill-mannered NATURE of the child in order to fit social standards. For a believer to be accepting of such behavior they must resign the fact they themselves are by the Spirit of God offspring of the one who created them. And that this behavior opens up avenues that the enemy will use to bring about not just calamity but the destruction of oneself and the family structure.

There are behavioral disorders affecting many households and creating environments of anxiety that in today’s society are accepted as the norm, yet they are out of character to God’s created purpose. Disorders such as ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, along with ADD attention deficit disorder are symptoms that many believe begin at childhood. And often continue into adulthood causing problems at home, school, work, or in social interactivity. So a question should be asked as to just how does such uncharacteristic behavior becomes a part of a nature that is by the word of God perfectly created? I didn’t say they were created perfectly I said they are perfectly created because whatever God does is good and doesn’t need anything else done.

I won’t go into clinical details on this, but I will make this point concerning a prognosis on an issue that could be relevant to these symptoms. It is that today’s children are being forced into rearing themselves and be in acceptance of ideologies that are purposed to demean the unity between parent and child. Parents are no longer focused on spending quality time with their offspring due to today’s social ethics, as they along with the children are spending too much time on personal social activities focused on the media blitz of the day by phone or web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. With today’s technology having a more profound impact on our daily living not only children but parents to are being left to worldly devices way too often.

One can see that these things do not have an ability to nurture the spirit of an individual, but are solely for attaching the soul by an emotional via. Household environments are under a daily barrage of social influence based on worldly mannerisms that have a great deal of effect on one’s nature. And it does not take much wisdom to know that all of this and the devices used to engage in it have no God nature in them. Therefore there is no ability to engage in any emotional or social manner relevant to one’s Godly development. These devices only entertain the soul and do not nourish the spirit with the one thing God says we need, His word.

So, why should we be expecting a social manner from our children that fields confidence in their strength and endurance when one that yields to frailty and fear appears to be in acceptance within us.